Design in Town
Design in Town
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Discover the creative process of designing a capsule collection or an original limited edition collection. A small dose of technology, lots of creativity and lots and lots of passion.

[…] When you think of something new, you fight for your idea, you find the necessary resources, you convince people, and then when it actually comes to life  – that is still not design. Design is when you realize that the project has legs to walk on because it is useful, because others come to youand use your idea, and make proposals to you because you were able to find a space within the creative landscape that didn’t exist before. This is design: when others take ownership of your idea and make it their own, when the idea breaks through something and slips through the existing gaps with exuberance, without fear. At that point we know its spirit is strong because others have made it their own. And then we are no longer alone. That is design. […]

Pasquale Volpe
Design in Town 2016, Siracusa
The stage for new ideas

Our teachers over the years in this discipline:

Arianna Birnunzio, Designer • Giovanni Gastel, Fotografo • Cristian Li Voi, Designer

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